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If your disability is expected to last at least one year or result in death, you may be eligible for Social Security Disability benefits. Working closely with an attorney who will explain your rights and options can help you make decisions that are in your best interests. Contact our firm today to schedule a consultation and case evaluation with an experienced attorney.

Portland Attorney for Appeals of Denied Disability Claims

Practicing across a focused set of areas within Oregon law since 1991, attorney Todd R. Worthley has developed a clear strength in helping people get the Social Security disability benefits they deserve. Whether you are suffering from a physical or mental impairment, or the onset of a disabling condition, Mr. Worthley will evaluate your case and pursue any valid claim vigorously through appeals and hearings if necessary, targeting a just result for you. Our firm handles both Social Security Disability Income (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) appeals with care, sensitivity, and proven skill. To arrange a consultation, call 888-589-0671 or send us email today.

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or use the form below.

Social Security Disability Contact Form

Personal Information

Full name

Maiden name

Other names used

E-mail address

Phone number

Business phone

Cell phone





Please describe all of your injuries, illnesses, symptoms, and disabilities, whether physical, mental, or emotional.

How do your medical problems limit your daily activities?

Are you able to work?
Yes No

Are/were you self-employed?
Yes No

What is your age?

What is the last grade you completed in school?

Do you have a high school diploma or its equivalent?
Yes No

Do you attend a vocational school or college or program?
Yes No

If so, what did you study and did you earn any certifications or licenses?

Did you attend college?
Yes No

If so, what did you study and did you earn any degrees?

Please describe any graduate study or advanced or professional degrees.

Do you possess any vocational or professional licenses?

Approximately how long have you been in the workforce? (years)

Describe briefly the types of work you have performed.

If you are able to work, how many hours can you work per week?

Have you filed for disability benefits for the medical problem/s described above?
Yes No

Have you been turned down for benefit payments based on the medical problem/s described above?
Yes No

Have you appealed a Social Security decision that denied you benefits for the medical problem/s described above?
Yes No

Other information or concerns?

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